Impacting Lives Across Alabama
Birmingham Metro Area
CommuteSmart Birmingham offers a complete set of incentives and services to help you enjoy an easier commute to work, while reducing air pollution.
Huntsville Metro Area*
CommuteSmart Huntsville provides ridematching for carpooling or vanpooling to assist you with finding a cleaner commute, while reducing traffic congestion.
Montgomery Metro Area*
CommuteSmart Montgomery provides ridematching for carpooling or vanpooling, while our emergency ride home benefit can help "peace of mind."
Contact us today to get started on an easier, less expensive commute.
CommuteSmart: 1-87-RIDEMATCH
Register Now To...
Save Time.
Research shows that carpoolers arrive on time to work and are absent less!
Earn Money.*
There are two programs, GetGreen and CommuterClub, in which qualifying participants can be paid to use alternative transportation!
Cleaner air.
CommuteSmart participants who choose alternative commute modes aid in reducing harmful emissions which improves air quality!
“222,014 gallons of Fuel Saved in 2022”

How CommuteSmart Works*
What is Alternative Transportation?
Contact us today to get started on an easier, less expensive commute.
CommuteSmart: 1-87-RIDEMATCH
How Do I Get Paid?*
Getting paid for using alternative commute options starts with registering.
Once you become a CommuteSmart member, then you log your alternative commutes.
*Not all metro areas offer all the incentive programs. Please select your metro area below to determine specific availability.
GETGREEN Incentive Program*
GetGreen is a one-time program that offers commuters $1 per day for every day an alternative commute is taken in the first 90 days of participating in CommuteSmart. Each commuter is eligible to receive up to $70 during this period. Commuters are paid for each day they choose to carpool, telework, take transit, bike or walk to work. A minimum of 20 alternative commutes must be taken during the 90-day period to qualify for a check (this would equal a $20 check).
COMMUTERCLUB Incentive Program*
After the initial 90-day GetGreen period, commuters are automatically enrolled in CommuterClub to encourage the continued use of alternative commutes. This program provides $25 gift card rewards for commuters who log at least 20 alternative commutes each quarter. Gift card options include: Chevron/Texaco, Public, BJCTA Transit Pass, Cahaba Cycles, CVS, Target, Express Oil Change, Redemptive Cycles, and BlazerBucks (only for UAB One Card holders).
What difference does it make?
From the late 1970’s until recently, ground-level ozone and particle pollution levels in Jefferson and Shelby counties exceeded federal limits, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A designation known as being a “non-attainment area.” After the community, key companies, and multiple agencies committed to voluntary changes, the Birmingham area reduced pollution levels to meet federal standards. These two counties currently maintain “attainment” designation.
The transportation sector (cars, trucks, etc.) is a major source of air pollution in the U.S. In order to maintain our “attainment” designation, we must continue our efforts to reduce pollution.
The CommuteSmart program is an effective way to save money, reduce traffic, and improve our air quality. Practical alternatives to driving alone—such as carpooling, vanpooling, walking, bicycling, riding the bus, and teleworking—help commuters save money while also improving our environment.
Ready to get started?